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Year: 2019


Come to the grand open­ing cer­e­mo­ny, where you will see all the per­form­ers togeth­er, and present a bit of your art.


Join us for an adven­tur­ous street show of czech artists, who are com­ing with their new project called Expedition.


Two brave researchers go explor­ing undis­cov­ered parts of Earth.

Murmuyo — Fisura

Mur­muyo will come from far Chile to present his ener­getic show Fisuro. Very inten­sive, enter­tain­ing and above all full of excit­ing moments, whose main per­former is the audi­ence itself.

CinKabaret Universe

Young cir­cus blood in the Czech Repub­lic, or when two par­ties of young artists meet on one stage. 

Magician Karel Pomahač

Do you like the mag­i­cal world of mag­ic? Don´t miss out on per­for­mance of our great artist,let you down.Karel Pom­a­hač. His tricks will amaze you and won´t disappoint.  More information 

Magician Karel Pomahač

Pro­fes­sion­al magi­cian Karel Pom­a­hač will draw you into a mag­i­cal world that you will nev­er want to leave. One man show full of humour will make hap­py every fam­i­ly member. 


Artists of Cirkus trochu jinak com­pa­ny will per­form again this year dur­ing CIRKULUM with a new project Akrobatiko.


You can expect sto­ry line with beau­ti­ful cos­tumes and acro­bat­ic skills taht will be per­formed by artists from Cirkus trochu jinak company.

Magister Ludi Man Band

The most unique one man band in the whole world, that´s how he likes to call himself.

Compagnie with Balls

This year’s fes­ti­val will be dec­o­rat­ed with a Dutch art ensem­ble called Com­pag­nie with balls.

Compagnie with Balls

The Parade is a joy­ful dance through the streets by two 4 meter high figures. 

Rufino Clown – Fausto Barile

Faus­to Bar­ile is a fan­tas­tic char­ac­ter that hides some­thing spe­cial inside. Don’t be afraid, he’s always will­ing to show you his mag­i­cal inner world. 

Acrobuffos – Waterbombs

A water bal­loon glad­i­a­tor show for the whole fam­i­ly to enjoy!  Dra­mat­ic opera music pro­vides the epic sound­track to a hys­ter­i­cal bat­tle filled with fly­ing water bal­loons and ridicu­lous com­ic antics. 
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Festival organizer 

Cirkus trochu jinak, z.s.
V Zálo­mu 29481
700 30 Ostrava-Zábřeh
Czech Republic 

DIČ: CZ22878670
IČ: 22878670 

Phone: +420 608 257 694

For those inter­est­ed in a stand at the fes­ti­val, please con­tact:

CIRKULUM fes­ti­val is the first inter­na­tion­al fes­ti­val of new cir­cus in the North­ern Moravia. The orig­i­nal con­cept of the fes­ti­val is so unique that there has nev­er been an equiv­a­lent to it nei­ther in Moravia or Sile­sia. It includes pre­sen­ta­tion and pop­u­lar­iza­tion of artis­tic gen­res such as new cir­cus, pan­tomime or street, phys­i­cal and impro­vi­sa­tion theatre.