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Gogol & Mäx

You have prob­a­bly nev­er seen any­thing like it! „Humor in con­cert is a show per­formed by Gogol an Max, two tal­ent­ed come­di­ans and musi­cians from Germany.

This duo of artists com­bine ele­ments of music, the­ater, com­e­dy and mod­ern cir­cus in this unique per­for­mance nev­er fea­tured in a pro­gramme of Ostrava´s theatre‘s. Gogol and Max have per­formed in numer­ous TV shows across Ger­many which demon­strates their tal­ent and pro­fes­sion­al­ism. Don´t hes­i­tate to book to see this amaz­ing show for a dif­fer­ent, but defin­i­tiely not bor­ing expe­ri­ence, that´s for sure!

The per­for­mance is suit­able for chil­dren and adults.

adult 450 Kč / child and stu­dent 350 Kč
90 min­utes
Direct­ed by:
Mäx (Max-Albert Müller) and Gogol (Christoph Schelb)
Mäx (Max-Albert Müller) and Gogol (Christoph Schelb)
Vic­tor Man­ninger and Kon­stan­tin Jordan
When and where:
10th June 2017 at 19.00, Nová aula VŠB Ostra­va Poruba

[wid­getk­it id=“40” name=“Gogol a Mäx — galerie”]


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Festival organizer 

Cirkus trochu jinak, z.s.
V Zálo­mu 29481
700 30 Ostrava-Zábřeh
Czech Republic 

DIČ: CZ22878670
IČ: 22878670 

Phone: +420 608 257 694

For those inter­est­ed in a stand at the fes­ti­val, please con­tact:

CIRKULUM fes­ti­val is the first inter­na­tion­al fes­ti­val of new cir­cus in the North­ern Moravia. The orig­i­nal con­cept of the fes­ti­val is so unique that there has nev­er been an equiv­a­lent to it nei­ther in Moravia or Sile­sia. It includes pre­sen­ta­tion and pop­u­lar­iza­tion of artis­tic gen­res such as new cir­cus, pan­tomime or street, phys­i­cal and impro­vi­sa­tion theatre.